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Creative Painting Sets

Creative Painting Sets

Take your ARTistic Sets and create your own special T-shirt.

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Creative ARTistic TEEN - Rainbow 02
Un set super distractiv pentru copiii creativi. Un tricou ingenios care îi permite copilului să își personalizeze unul dintre cele mai uzuale obiecte vestimentare și care îl invită să dea frâu liber imaginației.Setul creativ este compus dintr-un tricou din bumbac, un set de 3 pensule : subțire, medie și plată și setul de culori necesare unei adevărate creații. Vopselele sunt pe..

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Creative ARTistic TEEN - Rainbow 04
Un set super distractiv pentru copiii creativi. Un tricou ingenios care îi permite copilului să își personalizeze unul dintre cele mai uzuale obiecte vestimentare și care îl invită să dea frâu liber imaginației.Setul creativ este compus dintr-un tricou din bumbac, un set de 3 pensule : subțire, medie și plată și setul de culori necesare unei adevărate creații. Vopselele sunt pe..

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Creative set for decorating Halloween pumpkins
The Halloween holiday is becoming more and more loved by children, but also by adults. Every year, the houses are decorated in shades of autumn, with rusty leaves and orange pumpkins. And because all children love to implement any creative idea, do not miss the pumpkin decorations. Therefore, we would look for the roundest and lightest pumpkins, we added the ingredients until w..

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GIFT SET Handpainted Sundress for girls, old pink with two faces, a coloring face with washable crayons included with crochet ballerina
Perfect girls sundress, for spring-summer. The sarafan is made with two reversible faces. One face is made with a line type print that can be colored with washable crayons. The sarafan comes with a set of colored doodles. The child can color the printed face as many times as he wants, the crayons disappearing when washed. The other side is hand-painted in the theme of the print..

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GIFT SET Handpainted Sundress for girls, old pink with two faces, a coloring face with washable crayons included with toy
Perfect girls sundress, for spring-summer. The sarafan is made with two reversible faces. One face is made with a line type print that can be colored with washable crayons. The sarafan comes with a set of colored doodles. The child can color the printed face as many times as he wants, the crayons disappearing when washed. The other side is hand-painted in the theme of the print..

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GIFT-SET-Handpainted Sundress for girls, green mint with two faces, a coloring face with washable crayons included --UNAVAILABLE
Perfect girls sundress, for spring-summer. The sarafan is made with two reversible faces. One face is made with a line type print that can be colored with washable crayons. The sarafan comes with a set of colored doodles. The child can color the printed face as many times as he wants, the crayons disappearing when washed. The other side is hand-painted in the theme of the print..
Showing 13 to 18 of 20 (4 Pages)