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Baptism&New Born Gifts

Baptism&New Born Gifts

A special selection of gifts for newborns, all handmade. Selected paintings, reproductions or personalized, find everything you need to impress. Whether you are new parents or baptized, in this category you will find everything you need for a successful surprise.

Available Options

Anniversary 1 year set - jungle theme
Themed set for the first year anniversary. Jungle theme. The first year of the baby's life is sprinkled with moments of discovery, joys and hardships. And how else not to celebrate this year, except through a themed party, in which the baby goes from baby to child life. The first steps, the first word, the choice of favorite characters are just some of the new discoveries of th..

Available Options

BabyARTistic New Born Set with pre-washed linen dress, powder pink and doll
Newborn kit set, with matching crocheted dress and doll, powder pink. All materials are quality and durable.The set contains:- pre-washed linen dress, with cotton lace- pre-washed linen panties,- hand-crocheted doll, amigurumi style, made of cotton- hand-crocheted teething toy, amgurumi style, rattle, cotton and wooden ring- you can choose the cotton doll, handmade with the mat..

Available Options

BabyARTistic New Born Set with pre-washed linen dress, powder pink and doll
Newborn kit set, with matching crocheted dress and doll, powder pink. All materials are quality and durable.The set contains:- pre-washed linen dress, with cotton lace- hand-crocheted doll, amigurumi style, made of cotton- hand-crocheted teething toy, amgurumi style, rattle, cotton and wooden ring- you can choose the cotton doll, handmade with the matching dress,- set of 2 babe..

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BabyARTistic set cadou nou-nascut Micul Print
BabyARTistic set cadou nou-nascut Zana Viselor
Tot din seria minunatelor seturi pe care le-am pregatit pentru voi impreuna cu Amadoll, face parte si aceasta adevarata comoara. Credeti-ma pe cuvant cand va spun ca este cea mai delicata, diafana si frumoasa papusica pe care eu am vazut-o sau la care am putut visa. Si am visat muuulte papusi, inca de cand eram copila.Imbratisate strans, in cutia de lemn, pictata manual, s..

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Children Crochet Toy - Ballerina
Jucarie crosteta, lucrata manual, din fire de bumbac, cu tutu din tulle. Daca nu se afla pe stoc, se va executa in cca 7 zile lucratoare.Instructiuni de ingrijire:-spalare la masina, program delicate sau max. 30 grade, 800 rotatiiPentru comanda personalizata, completat un mesaj in fereastra Observatii sau trimiteti o cerere in sectiunea CONTACT...
Showing 1 to 6 of 26 (5 Pages)